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THEMA: Below the knee amputation/woman

Below the knee amputation/woman 11 Jahre 8 Monate her #14

  • horst
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  • Administrator
  • Beiträge: 16
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we have 6 below knee amputees at this point, one of them is female and bilateral. This is only litlle experience BUT so far it looks like percutaneous osseointegrated implants work below knee as well. To be able to say more about case we need more information ( history and x rays etc.). Please feel free to contact me via

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I look forwrd hearing from you,

best As.

Dr. med. Horst Aschoff
Klinik für Plastische, Hand- u. Rekonstruktive Chirurgie

Sana Kliniken Lübeck GmbH
Kronsforder Allee 71-73
23560 Lübeck
Tel.: +49 451 585 1305
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Below the knee amputation/woman 11 Jahre 8 Monate her #13

I can't see testimonies from women with below the knee amputation. I am thin boned, and have BK amputation, and fear that the system isn't too good for me. When I look at potential possibilities such as electronic feet, everything seems huge and fit for men.
I wonder why. Does someone think of women amputee?
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