Dear Patients, Ladies and Gentlemen,
in a few days my employment here in the Sana Kliniken Lübeck will end.
As already signalized I’ll be joining the Medizinischen Hochschule in Hannove r(MHH) from February on.
Meantime the Center for “Endo-Exo-Prothetik” has been established as another focus of the Clinic for Traumatology on the website of the MHH:
Invitation to the 2nd Meeting of Endo-Exo-Patients during June 8th and 9th 2017 in HANNOVER
Dear Madam, dear Sir, dear patients,
some of you still might remember our last meeting of Endo-Exo-Patients in Mai 2013 in Lübeck. It was reported to me that this convention fulfilled very much the expectations of the participants so that everybody assured me that such a get-together would be of greatest interest for him or her. Meantime more than 3 years are gone already and it seems to be high time to put this declaration of intent into reality.
Das Endo-Exo-Implantationssystem® über osseointegrierte, transcutan ausgeleitete Prothesen zur Rehabilitation nach Extremitätenamputation
Horst-H. Aschoff, Vassilios Papageorgiou, Polivios Pavlidis
Osseointegrierte und transcutan ausgeleitete Prothesensysteme haben sich im Laufe der vergangenen 15 Jahre an einigen Zentren in Europa und Australien als alternative Behandlungsoption zur Rehabilitation hauptsächlich nach traumatischer Oberschenkel- oder Unterschenkelamputationen etabliert.
First International Symposium on Innovations in Amputation Surgery and Prosthetic Technologies
May 12-13, 2016
Prentice Women’s Hospital, 250 East Superior Street, Chicago, IL
Volume 119, Issue 5, May 2016
We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for Der Unfallchirurg.
Volume 119 Number 5 is now available online. Important news
Dear Doc and Andreas
The leg is coming on well now thanks. I'm just using a stick now, maybe for about another 3 weeks.
Big thanks
Don Don Percival, Producer, GODDUNNIT PROMOTIONS, Specialist wildlife/reality and music productions.
Mobile: +263-772-247473
Hi dr Aschoff
We have arrived home this morning. Mick didn't have any problems on the journey, negligible pain and very happy with the results. It's lovely to see him with a smile on his face when he walks now instead of wincing with pain. Thank you so much for giving him his life back. You don't know how much this means to us. If we can help anyone else or you need Mick for anything please don't hesitate to get in touch. We would be very happy to help. Thank you once again
Kind regards
Michael and Angela Wilcock
Emirati athlete to commemorate National Day with 44-km cycling journey
DUBAI: Ahmad Al Mutaiwee, a physically challenged Emirati athletic hero, decided to cycle a distance of 44 kilometres on his bike to celebrate the country’s 44th National Day and support the Rashid Centre for the Disabled through this humanitarian initiative.
Wir bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit einer „Online- Video - Sprechstunde“, während der Sie sich direkt mit Dr. Aschoff über eine geschützte Audio – Video Plattform unterhalten können. Diese Online Sprechstunde wird ab 6.1.2016 jeweils mittwochs ab 15.00 h kostenfrei angeboten, Termine können Sie sich selbst reservieren, folgen Sie bitte den Anleitungen unter „Online – Video Sprechstunde“.
Endo-Exo-Prothesen nach Gliedmaßenamputation